let it go

Saul spoke of an island back in Dahlian territory, a subtle hint that perhaps he was struggling with the pack transition as well. Razekiel said nothing on the subject; the coyote had witnessed a number of other Ichikans who missed their old homes and could not yet see Ichika no Ho-en as a place worth their residency and attention as individuals. Razekiel was hardly worth "leading" them, either, but he would keep those comments tight under wraps. The coyote would not yet expose himself as too weak a leader, although most had already figured out his methods were not usually that as a charismatic beacon of leadership, but as a friend and mentor who only sought the best for those around him. Perhaps he was following in Jefferson's footsteps, one way or another, though he knew the cyclops would kill himself knowing a hippie was trying to imitate him.

"I suppose I am from Inferni's core," the Seiryu considered, scratching gingerly at his chin. "Most of the Lykoi family are my neices and nephews or half-siblings. My old woman founded the place, man, and I was one of of her litters born there — and trust me, there were a lot." A bubbling, gurgling giggle. "I was like them once, many many seasons ago. Maybe I hit my head or the Great Mother revealed herself to me in some other worldly fashion, and so here I am."

A shrug. "I called that firepit home for a long time, man. My oldest daughter is one of its leaders. My blood is tangled in Inferni's... but I suppose that is part of the reason Ichika was founded. If they seek another chance, perhaps they might find it here."

Pulling the joint from his mouth, he exhaled a long cloud of smoke and turned straw eyes to the Stormbringer. "And you, Stormbringer? You were one of Nayru's most trusted, if these memory banks serve me right."

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