

It had begun, there was no messing about no planning it was just pure instinct that started them. J’adore would be the herder, when she seen this it left her the opportunity to run ahead and ready herself. She bounded over fallen trees her heart pumping with adrenaline. The pounding of hooves began as she started to position herself. She knew their target she had seen the crooked tracks of the male, scented his wound that seemed to be healing improperly. This target was perfect, a large injured young male it was almost as if the spirits had readied him for this day. She raised her spear in position ready to throw as Ayasha kept the herd on its path. J’adore steered the male toward her a perfect hunting companion. She aimed with a deep concentration as she slowed her breathing. She released her spear into the air with a grunt of exertion and it struck true to at the neck from the front, blood had begun to spill immediately and the shock of being struck threw the already off balanced elk into a tumble. The herd quickly flew ahead dodging their fallen brother.

Saxif rushed to him, rounded his body to avoid his antlers and leapt onto him grabbing the spear. She pushed it firmly and swiftly into his neck knowing that the position of it just at the inside edge of his collarbone would lead directly to his heart. Blood sprayed onto her maw as the artery shifted with the spear. The elk bucked narrowly missing her head as she avoided the antlers in her task. She wished the spear had gone deeper so the beast would avoid this pain but she was just not strong enough yet to give such a blow. Then he stopped moving, she had pierced the heart instantly lulling the beast into a subtle death.

She had prayed her apologies to the elk as she drove the spear in deeper. And her thanks for his sacrifice as she pulled the bits of medicine she had collected over the weeks from the pouch just under her skinning knife. She looked to the sky after thanking the elk spirit and thanked the Great Spirit just as her uncle had taught her. She spread the medicine before the elk, the offering it to his spirit as it left its body for the spirit world. She had been silent through this entire prayer internally praying from her heart knowing she would be heard. She finally said aloud in her people’s old tongue Miigwech Mishewa Aadisookaanag

Then the reality set upon her as the sound of hooves grew to silence. A large smile spread across her face as tears slightly glistened her eyes. This was the moment she had been waiting for her entire life and she had done it perfectly. She looked at J’adore and Ayasha who had approached as she prayed the hunter’s prayer. And uttered with a slight emotional crack to her voice. I… I did it. She was now officially an Enagayahe Kanati, a game hunter of the tribe if the chief saw it fit. She for sure now had joined the ranks of the Giwisayininiwug of her people. Her uncle would be proud of her and she was sure her grandmother was greatly proud of her accomplishment.

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