sorry i've waited so long, but here i am now
Do you mind if we end it with your next post? I have a lot of threads and i need to close some of them Big Grin also more fail posts

He chuckled at her little joke she made, he was slightly unfamiliar with her as sh was, never having a truly in depth conversation with which to judge her. He closed the gate behind them and now that his large body was not displaying 'keep away' signals, several of the equines trotted over to say hello and rummage around for hidden treats. Snorts and grunts met their ears and the scent of hay and horse was all around. He could never imagine not doing what he did, it was unthinkable. Beyond the horses was the bovine paddock, with fences separating the cows and two bulls then another fence separating the two bulls, lest they fight.

He gestured for her to follow him through the crowd of horses who respectfully moved aside as they came through.

"I love my job, I could not see myself doing another. What of you? Do you enjoy yours?" They arrived at the far fence and the nickers of horses gave way to mooing of cows and beyond them the baa'ing of sheep. The man whistled, a low sound and one of the cows looked up, she was a Blonde Galician cow with large horns and a long, dark golden coat. She mooed good naturedly and attempted to stick her huge horned head through the fence for a pat. He rubbed her neck and turned to Mizu,

"This is Señorita, I brought her with me from Spain."

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