The Return Home
Also note, Leon does not know they are mates yet


He tried to tell her that he was fine and alright but she was having none of it, Saxif pulled his arm over her shoulder and attempted to bear his great weight. The man tried his hardest to keep his legs beneath him and they wobbled alarmingly, he grit his teeth and pushed up with weakened knees, the whole process helped immensely when Shiloh also offered her structural support to him. It seemed to take a long time but eventually they reached his house and he slumped down into a moth eaten chair in the room that acted as both a dining room, kitchen and living room. He rested a head in his hand as Analise came out from thier room, attracted by all the commotion,

"Saxif!" The little Austral threw herself at her house mate of several months and gave her a hug, she was glad to see her back and safe. Then she moved to sit on the arm next to her father and look him over worriedly, shifting out of the way when Shiloh came over with her herbal paste. He listened to her explain what it would do and nodded silently, even though she kept her eyes averted he could feel her anger, it made his fur prickle and the hairs at the base of his neck stand up, what could have happened for such raw emotion to be present? He stayed still as she applied the paste, trying not to wince or move much as it stung fiercely.

"A mountain lion attacked me, it was so strange. No provocation or anything, like that cat was moon crazy or possessed." He took the cup from her, with a nod of thanks, "While you were gone, a man from the Great Tribe came with several Guardians. He took over in the name of the Chief back in the Great Tribe. Dawali no longer leads, he is the lowest of the low ranks, Itawamba. The masters, have been demoted all the way down to Itse, Ralla's face.. I have never seen such an expression." He shook his head angrily and Analise placed a hand on his arm, it would do no good to get himself worked up,

"I gave my opinion, foul mouthed as it was.." Here he chuckled slightly, "I was attacked by one of the guardians, and forced to the floor, and all this..." He gestured to the wounds that littered his body and the gashes in his stomach and side that had slowly unraveling stitches, "..came back open and began to bleed once more." In his eyes the fire raged but his face was calm, he leaned forwards and looked down at Shiloh,

"You feel anger against me, why is this?"

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