The will to destroy didn't mean anything to Caspa. Nothing would last forever, so where was the point of hastening its demise? Strength was in prolonging one's existence and by proxy, those around you who might help to protect you. The clan-raised dog had been taught to beware a mysterious faceless rabble of strangers, outsiders that had no dignity or empathy and just wanted to hurt. Cruel like children could be - like this child might turn out to be. But children grew up, the enmity-laden strangers could never escape the prison of their violent minds. Puppies had a chance because they could and must learn fellow-feeling to belong in a pack like theirs. How lovely. Caspa drew herself up tall, folding her arms and fixing Elvira with a severe expression. "Excuse me?" she said, tone icy. "It brings a slow and painful end, which no one deserves." She had done her utmost to warn the child, although far from seeming wary, the puppy was quite taken with the poisonous creature. It was true, the snake was beautiful to look at, especially the deadly flesh-machinery within its mouth. Something in Elvira's smile told Caspa she hadn't been thinking purely of the animal, though.

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