Even the doomed can survive

WC:454+ - Here >.< Sorry for any delay <3

Time had passed and with it his injuries had healed and he was once more able to move around with his usual ease. With each step he took now he no longer felt that dull ache in his sides and a shortness of breath, now he felt comfortable once more within his own skin and with that comfort came confidence. But as his life seems to always go, that confidence had not lasted long before it was tested; with the due date of his Angela drawing near the white female had, surprisingly, asked if he could aid her with a few of the more trivial leadership duties; meeting potential joiners being such a task.

Responsibility and all that entailed didn’t sit well with the grey male, for he knew how he was and was perfectly aware how unstable and unreliable he could be. Not only that, he was young and inexperience with such tasks; fighting he knew what he was doing and he was confident he could hold his own, judging whether a canine could be of use? He had no idea how to do it, but since his leader had asked him to he would surely try his hand at doing so.

Considering this, he had been paying close attention to activity along the borders and had heard the distant call of someone along the border. Pausing in place, he knew he was a distance of and that getting there would take awhile, but he was sure somebody would deal with the situation until he got there. Keeping his expression closed off, he made his way towards the location of where the call had come from, but when another howl reached his ears his facial mask fell and he couldn’t help but allow a grin to spread across his face; the laugh he managed to suppress though. I would have loved to have seen the Tuyul’s face when he called…

Having only encountered the black pack mate once, he held a low opinion of the other. By the end of their short meeting he had concluded that the Tuyul was ridiculously over confident, disillusioned by his greater physical size and thus believed himself to be superior to others, along with the fact the fool seemed to think sleeping with Naniko meant that he was important. In the Marbas’s eyes, the other male was nothing more than an old fool trying to throw his weight around and failing.

By the time he arrived on the scene the black male had already left and so he turned all of his attention onto the strangers. “Sorry I took so long to get here. What can I do for you?” he asked, raising a questioning eyebrow at them.

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