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The councilman's ears were lifted as he listened, a smile threatening to creep up onto his face. The female dared speak like that to a Guardian? She was a feisty one!

Nehale had met her with a polite smile, and she returned defiance. His smile fell, and he stepped closer. "Do not speak to me so foolishly," he warned. "Maska has matters to attend to, and not all errands can include him." Maska was not like the traitor Chief, who made friends with everyone and neglected his duties. Where were AniWaya's defenses? Where were the war-horses, the spears and war-arrows? There weren't even Guardians here - truly, Dawali was naïve. She corrected him, and he nodded. "Your name is well known to the Councilman, Itse." He shook the urge to shake his head.

Nahele's smile returned now, making a face both stone and politeness combined. Her temper was obvious, and he was not used to being met with such reactions. Still, it humored him. It was almost sweet, her rebellion. She would think she could oppose the Councilman, yes? "I never claimed otherwise, Itse." he stated. "I have come to ask you to train them for the purpose of war." He would follow up with an explanation, but for now he was curious of her reaction. A good offense is often good defence, but so far few of this 'tribe' had seen the sense in such thinking.



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