Mockingbird Song
Smile Feel free to look at my post for ideas to improve your post length!

Skye nodded as the loner introduced himself as Zaine - she knew that he was a loner because his smell, rather than belonging to a single pack and having the smells of many wolves, was only of himself and of the forest that surrounded them. Her understanding, however, quickly changed to confusion as she heard him say that he couldn't find someone in this place - who was he looking for? What was he talking about?

Skye stood abruptly as Zaine began to look rather sick - without another word, he collapsed on a large gray rock nearby. Skye walked towards him, the crinkling of leaves underfoot less loud than the voice in her head - what was wrong with this loner, and why had he collapsed so suddenly? Who was he looking for? She forced the thoughts out of her mind as she stepped over towards the loner, who was still on the rock.

She looked down at the white wolf, concern etched on her face. Are you alright? she asked worriedly. What happened? She had never seen someone act quite like this, other than herself when she was pregnant and would begin to collapse or suddenly feel ill - however, she was certain that this male was not pregnant. Perhaps he had a disease?

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