We're Gonna Go Adventuring

Word Count → 000

He didn't want to go. Not really, horses and a rickity old wagon didn't appeal to his mind, but as long as he was proving his worth to the pack he was content. Keeping a nice distance away from the horses, horrible things, he moved towards his pack mates. He held within his hand a large bundle of horse hair, cut from the mane and tail's of his ponies, as done by Iven. Galileo had no intentions of touching them, even standing next to them was a stretch. Iven had told him what the hair was useful for, Galileo had only partly listened. The grey wolf was practically behind everything Galileo ever did. Iven had always made his friend look good and the loyalty had even stretched into the Canadian wilderness.

As he borded the wagon he spoke, 'I've brought some horse hair to trade too. It's good for brooms and thread, and probably some other things'. He could only remember two of the things Iven had informed him of, the other uses had long been forgotten by the birch backed gentleman. He turned to look at Bangle and his pups, smiling at them as the hopped into the back with the trading items. He didn't mind puppies, though he could never really consider ever having his own any time soon. They always seemed too much of an inconvinience for him.

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