[M] Eyes

Word Count → short post, for a short thread ^^ slight pp and outcome agreed before hand Smile feel free to archeive this after your post

He wanted to fight, boy, would Galileo give him a run for his money. His fur bristled and his snarl ripped through the air. The teeth once pursed together tightly snapped open into a fierce unearthly howl and without thinking he lept forward. His limbs moved in sync to power him forward and ready for his attack. He looked toward the runt dog's body, scoping every inch of it to see where a weak point was. The eyes. Perfect. Now he wouldn't be able to do anything useful. But he wouldn't go for the eyes first, no, suffering was worse. To Galileo he was doing a righteous thing. Hindering this male to aid others.

First he slashed the male's chest, then his shoulder and then his neck. Neither of his targets gave him any joy, so with a sick smile plastered onto his face, he made his aim. He floored the runt first, he force of it would keep him down. His fore claws dug deep into the eye flesh, scooping the gooey matter out slowly. Relishing in the feeling. He stood up and smiled, 'Go. Feel your way home. Clean yourself up and if you tell any body who did this...' he turned around, trailing off. His hind leg kicked the runt right where it would hurt, 'Your little friend their will disapppear too'. He walked away smiling.

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