Pitter Patter Splish Splash

Table & Coding © Hickey; It is fine hun, no fail at all; 358 words


The small male was entirely used to being dismissed because of his pattern of speech combined with his mannerisms. And it was actually the Auxiliary that had spoken for him. It was she that knew his capabilities. She had seen worth in him. But then again she had known of him before he could yet shift and just what he had done when stuck to his four legged form. If he could impress as such then certainly his abilities should have grown now that he had the hands to work with. And in truth he had started to get better. Or at least he wasn't breaking his toys quite as frequently as he had in the past.

He watched at the other male fed the turtle the stick that had been taken from his hand. "See. It eat." The words were proclaimed after the amphibian had broken the stick that Denver had held out. Even though the stick hadn't actually been consumed it had been bitten at least and that was close enough to eating for Bastion. He was hoping to tire out the creature so that he wouldn't end up risking injury. So it made sense in his mind even if he couldn't convey his exact thoughts to others. Well, he probably could should he force himself to use complete sentences but that really was too much hassle for him.

He frowned as the pretty much declared that what he had in mind wouldn't work. "Why no? Why no pull out and make naked?" The small male turned his head to pin his gaze on the other as he questioned him. Had the other tried it before? After all it wasn't like Bastion had succeeded in doing so. No, he simply had a thought of how things should go in his mind. But if it wouldn't work as he imagined it would then he wanted to know so that he didn't waste his time. After all he could be torturing some other creature instead. He had seen some small mammals running about that he wanted to know what was inside of them and how it all worked.


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