And you [j]ust keep on saving the day

Yup, I did! And yup, you claimed the room right ^^

Word Count → 511

The woman understood Soran's feelings of guilt, probably better than most. She had spent a whole moon not long ago blaming herself for the death of her adopted son, thinking that if she had gone after him he would still be alive today. It was only natural for them to have such feelings of remorse, even if they were in fact completely misguided. "Do not be sorry Soran, I doubt there was anything you could have done. What happened in the past can never be changed, we just have to work to make our futures better." It was all any of them could ever do. Savina had come to that realization once again when she had finally laid Denali to rest. Nothing would bring her son back, she had to focus on those that were still left to her and make sure that they were kept safe and secure. Soran needed to do the same.

Thankfully they were moving past the sorrows and now focused on the good things. Savina had spent too much time recently dwelling upon all the ills her world, now she wanted to fill her mind with all that she was blessed with. The Marino nodded her head as she responded, "Yes, Cambria and her littermates are all a little over two years old now. Congratulations on your new children! Where are they living? Yes, I cannot believe how fast they grow up. Someday I might want to have more, but I'm content at the moment. I feel like I need to focus on the pack as a whole and not just my immediate family." The Consul considered the whole pack to be her family, even if they were not all related by blood. It was how Crimson Dreams had always been, and she hoped that it always would.

Savina smiled widely back at Soran. "I can imagine. Even though before I came here I never lived indoors, now I can't imagine not having the Manor to return to at the end of each day." An occasional night under the stars she enjoyed, when she needed to be alone and clear her head, but nothing compared to the bustling warmth of Haven Manor. It was the heart of the Dreaming pack. The Italian could clearly see how much the distance between her and her grandchildren affected her. "I am sure that eventually you two will be able to build some sort of relationship. Mati has just been through a lot and I think the way she learned to cope was to build a wall around herself when it comes to certain things, Naniko and Conri being chief among them. She'll be able to see that you're not them once you've been here a while." It would take time and patience, but she believed that it would happen. When asked about her other children Savina shook her head. "No, I've not seen nor heard anything of Khaden, and I never knew Dhalia." There had been no signs of Conri for years either, and for that she was thankful.

Image courtesy of Hudson Gardner@Flickr; table template by the Mentors! By Noelle

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