The river...

WC: 791 Well hi there Smile

Soran had a lot to think about, she missed her youngest children, she hoped beyond everything that they would come and visit her soon, they were all such good wolves, Rain, Florence and Flavian (the twins that forever seemed so inseperable) and little Kiwi with her big green eyes that so matched her mother's and her inquisitive nature. She missed them so, she had come back here to find the rest of her family, and indeed she had, she had found her reddish brown granddaughter Mati, although their relationship was far from being good at the moment, they were still on rocky ground, but now the pair of them were living under the same roof at the large Manor the ebony lady hoped that they'd be able to build on the foundations they had recently laid, that they would be able to form some sort of friendship, and eventually perhaps Mati would realise how much her grandmother loved her and they could fall into a family relationship. Haven too, her red grandson, there was unease there as well, he had children to think of and after what Naniko and Conri had done in their seperate ways the dark female could not blame him for being wary of his grandmother, to him she was just another family member that would let him down or betray him, she would never do that of course, she would rather die than cause her family pain or suffering, but he barely knew her, of course he did not know that she would be that way. As for everyone else, they seemed to have scattered to the four winds, she missed them all, the obsidian Vetes woman was now simply living in hope, they had clearly left the lands, all that she could do was just keep hoping that suddenly one or all of them would appear to see her, Conri was so troubled, he had committed awful crimes, but she still loved him, after all he was still her son. And as for the twins, her middle children, she longed to see them, Khaden especially, her mirror image son had been gone so long, she just wanted a chance to be his mother, she just wanted to have a chance to show that she was worth taking the time to get to know properly.

The fae thought about this as she walked through the lands, she had risen late today, not leaving her bed until the morning was well underway, this was unusual for the dark lady who was usually a very early riser, usually just as dawn was taking hold of the lands, if not before. For all of her life she had never slept for long periods of time, needing only a handful of hours a night to function normally, with the exception of when she had been heavily pregnant, then the smallest task, no matter what it was, would cause her to flop down into sleep with exhaustion. But for some reason the fae's body had decided that it was time for a long sleep, so she had awoken later than she had planned, perhaps it was having a chat with Mati, perhaps it had taken some of the stress off of the heavy burdens on her shoulders. The ebony fae had wasted enough of the day in her own opinion, so she had readied herself quickly, deciding not to bother shifting into her Optime form, so leaving her satchel and general items that she carried around behind as well. Soon she was out of the house and wandering through the lands. Her long legs moved her quickly, muscles shifting under her dark fur as she walked, her feet barely making a sound as she walked. She was wandering when she heard a small giggle from the nearby stream, she could not see who was laughing as they were hidden from view by a copse of trees. The ebony fae was keen to meet new pack mates whenever she could, so she moved towards the sound, wondering who it was, a small smile playing on her lips. Soon the small black and white fae came into view, she was studying a leaf, she seemed deep in thought. The fae could not help but smile, she adored wolves being curious, no matter what it was about, books, music, or even, like now, with a simple leaf. The fae approached quietly, lowering her head slightly to show that she was no threat.
"Hello there, what's so interesting about that leaf?" The ebony fae asked, her tone curious, her smile warm. "I'm Soran by the way, Soran Aatte." The jet female added, she was always quick to introduce herself, it was simply polite to do so.

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