More Than A Dare

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; Will have to work on changing that opinion; 327 words

She was small and she knew it. Her brothers reminded her of it all of the time. It was because of them that she had learned not to cower under scrutiny. They had looked for any weakness in her to not allow her to join them. If she could stand up to her siblings then she could stand up to anyone. At least that is what she figured in her own head at least. She assumed that just because she couldn't see her brothers any longer didn't mean that they weren't hiding and watching her, wanting for her to falter. She refused to do that. Heck, she wouldn't put it past them to have put this whole ploy together as some sort of test. Well if they were testing her then she planned on excelling.

The words that came were unexpected. It made her wonder if she really wasn't as safe as she had originally figured herself to be. "You would really take my head to replace it?" She could hardly believe that. What sense did that make? The thought actually caused her to frown before glaring up at the older female. "Why do you like it so much that you would want to save it?" She might be young but the hatred burned with a passion in her soul. In her few months of living she had come to develop strong feelings about the other species. They had ruined things for her and that couldn't be forgiven ever.

"It stinks! Why save it!? It does not care about you! It will not save you! It will hurt you!" Her voice rose as she tried to get her point across, her small body bristling and trembling with rage. Tiny claws dug into the ground. She had no idea why this woman wanted to save those filthy things. What purpose did they serve? The whole population could be wiped out and everyone would be better off for it.

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