spin me right round

Word Count » 353 :: OOC: woo wild horsie!!!

Saul’s signal came, and she was off like a flash, her larger secui form rushing through the herd of horses. She was no herding dog and it was much more difficult as the horses started running in a panic. It was hard to find the dun mare in the group but her eyes had not failed her as she lost sight and regained it of the mare. She rushed forward and snapped at her hocks, pushing her away from the crowd of horses into the corral, where the rope waited. It was work like she had never experienced, especially trying not to get trampled by the hooves of the panic stricken stampede. She was still young and clumbsy and anything could go round at this point in time, but it didn’t. She got her horse out of the thick of things in no time and rushed her forward to the corral. Where she hurried to change, though it took longer, especially when trying to keep a wild, scared horse in check. The girl was quick to grabbing a rope and trying to get it on the mare’s neck, but she was being difficult and kept rearing, the girl was still inexperienced, and was scared of the hooves that lashed out at her, but she kept on until finally she was able to get the rope around the horse’ neck. The mare was anything but tame, and was going to fight it seemed. Eclipse liked that, spirit in such a wonderful looking horse. By the time Eclipse got the mare calmed down she was panting with exhaustion and heat. She was ready for a break, but she knew there was more to do and other’s to help. She would at least be able to do that. She tied the rope to a branch, knowing the horse would be safe as long as she didn’t try anything stupid. The horse, was just staring at the chaos around her though, eyes wide and ears flat and her head held high ready to break free, though it was as if she was waiting for a signal.

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