A Daunting Adventure

Word Count :: 000 Gunnar counters with some witty comebacks of his own.

He frowned a second as she started barking at him annoyingly. That frown became an irritated scowl when she started making fun of him, even mocking his hunting. How dare him? How dare she! Then she went on to introduce herself and that frown became a wide grin, mocking and shit-eating in every way.

You look nothing like Naniko, you dumb brat. And if your last name is Acidic, that must mean you're related to Ravesque and he's not patchy and all bark like you are. I'm not stupid, I can tell the different between dogs and wolves. You're as much a wolfdog 'beast' as I am. Don't be an idiot, Princess. He mocked cruely, standing taller and lifting his tail high like his mother would, showing off that he was plenty capable of taking care of himself. You're probably just a Zepar like me. Get off your high horse.

He scoffed and moved to walk past her, purposely batting at her with his tail in the process. I don't bother wasting my time with spoiled brats. Go play somewhere else. I'm too busy hunting. She wasn't the only one with attitude. As pretty as she was with her sandy, patchy fur and stunning aqua colored eyes, the boy wasn't fooled. Underneath, as far as he could tell, she was just some snot-nosed brat looking for attention. A spoiled little girl without any manners.

Coding by the Mentors!

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