where is my mind? [aw]

Weeeird post sorryyyyyyyyy

Words: 316

Table by Haley.

When Magnolia was younger she used to daydream about the Anathema caves. How an entire pack could survive without sunlight or the great outdoors… it was a thought couldn’t wrap her little head around. Now if she were to return to the pack lands today she would probably understand that it was very well organized and that the weres who lived there had ingenuity that was beyond her feeble abilities. But now with Salvia in front of her all she could think about was how Larkspur had saved her that one fateful day and she was here now partly because of that. The two girls had met that night and after months apart they were together again, as women now in a universe completely different to the one they got acquainted in.

“I couldn’t imagine growing up underground,” the wolf said truthfully. She often wanted to, but luckily the girl realized that wasn’t going to be a reality for her any time soon. Anathema was not the home she so desperately searched for. Salvia was a lucky girl for living in the caves and getting to move here too, into a kingdom that raised her as a Salsola princess.

Magnolia continued to listen to Salvia, her eyebrows raised in disbelief at the mention of Wretch. She could barely remember the girl but was still surprised she would run off, she didn’t seem like that type. At Salvia’s reaction she didn’t press it. Magnolia was interested in Wretch’s circumstance but the Associate also knew when to hold her tongue and now was definitely one of those times. “Oh,” was all she said at first. “I’m very sorry to hear that. I’m glad to see you’re doing well, though,” Magnolia gave her old playmate a sad smile. She knew, too, what it felt like to lose a family member and be furious at them for leaving for no apparent reason.

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