let it go

For some time Razekiel did not answer the first query that hung in the air. He had been asked it once, twice, several times before, and yet the coyote still did not fully know how to answer it. Family meant more to him than anything else — the loss of Storm Lily and the separation between he and his children still brought an ache to his bones and stomach — yet the prince had left the Lykoi stronghold behind. As he had done so many times before, the Seiryu questioned in his mind if he was still truly a Lykoi, still a child of Kaena or the brother of Samael. He was nothing like them; he had abandoned their midst in leaving Inferni behind. He had left countless extended family behind, just like that.

Fingertips tightened on the joint as he pulled it from his lips. Was Ichika no Ho-en no more than a replacement family? Was it to be a brighter, more peaceful version of the blood-oriented clan of his birth? That had never had been the intent. No, he never desired another Inferni, good or not. Ichikans might be a family, if they desired it so, but they would never create themselves a fortress of reputation nor a family line of spiraling twists, turns and incest to keep it alive.

"It was not on purpose," he said sagely. "I was lost in the mountains during a snowstorm, and then did not go back."

It must have been obvious enough to Saul that Razekiel did not belong there, even if he had been a monster of blood and deceit back in the days of his youth. An inseparable pair he and Samael had been, a duo in their dirty work. It was a shame the two brothers had since divided so widely in motive and personality. The Seiryu chose not to mention more on the matter, and thus left the mist of ambiguity thick in the air with little concern.

Razekiel listened with a twisted ear as Saul began his story, the coyote nodding at points and seemingly drifting in and out at others. His attention was never lost, and not a word missed his hearing; thanks to the marijuana clouding his system, it was as if the Stormbringer Hui K'o spoke at half his normal speed, which allowed for the Seiryu to consider each and every word and browse various thoughts of his own without losing a second of the story. A strange one, Razekiel was.

"They say there is a curse on these lands, just as there was in my charred birthlands, far to the east," the coyote said, leaning left to scratch his ass. "'Those who leave will eventually return,' man. Like ghosts to their graves, the wanderers will always come back... should death not find them first." He himself was the prime example, a man of great travels and former membership of a number of packs, yet he had returned to 'Souls land once more.

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