working on a memory
Skoll's spirits fell at the news. It had taken a month for news to reach him? Surprising, given that he numbered himself as one of Phoenix's better friends. Maybe the news wasn't being made public, but still...had he known earlier, he thought he could have done something. Nonetheless, he knew a few people who should be able to help.

"I think there is still hope, yes. I'll get some friends to start a search outside of these lands. If the people who attacked Phoenix were trouble-makers in general, there's a chance that they will have made a ruckus coming into these parts, which would make them easy to recognize." It was terrible news...he felt weak and worthless standing here, making promises, rather than heading out himself. Still...he had responsibilities here, and until Inferni was either neutralized or found a better leader, he felt that he could not forsake those responsibilities.

"As for whether or not he would want to come back, you already know my opinion of Phoenix." That was all he said on that matter. Phoenix had been a responsible wolf, a responsible father and leader, far more so than Gibraltar had ever least as far as pack solidarity and loyalty went. Someone like him did not deserve to have his quality questioned so readily, at least not in Skoll's eyes. He understood her grief, but did not understand her anger at the victim. Quality people were hard to come by, but he felt that Phoenix had always been such a person.

"As for distance, it's hard to say. I always took my duties so seriously that I didn't make a lot of solid relationships in Bleeding Souls, nor did I pay much attention to the grapevine of information between the packs. I would imagine that any relationship which survived the fire would remain, provided that people make the effort to sustain them." He said a little wistfully, looking off into the deep blue of the night.

"Still, it has to be said that old relationships sometimes will take a backseat to newer ones. New friends require more time than old ones, time to solidify the friendship, where older friends already value one another, and their bond does not need to be tested as often. Over all, it may be a good thing to make new friends, provided you spare the time to keep in touch with the older ones."

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