every characteristic of the egotistic

Word Count → 412 :: Of course that is alright! Do what you must in order to move them along. Smile <3

Though no words passed between them once Clover had assumed her position upon the white mare’s back and she had acknowledged that she was ready, it did not matter. There was a certain contentment that came with having Sirius at her side and Clover felt perfectly at peace with the silence settling between them. And yet even as they did not exchange words, the world around them was not still nor quiet. The King’s stallion was eager to proceed, and so they quickly did. Daisy followed willingly, as if she knew already what was expected of her. They quickly climbed the remainder of the bank before the duo headed deeper into the kingdom of thistle.

Trailing near the coast was comforting, and Clover appreciated the feel of the damp, cool breeze as it ran through her halo of golden waves. While they traveled, she was thankful that Sirius did not try to speak with her much. Though of course she savored every syllable uttered in that deep voice of his, she was pleased that she had this time to let her vision fully absorb her new home. Though it was not beautiful in the traditional aesthetic sense, its ruggedness seemed appropriate. The Lykoi child could not have imagined a better place for the Thistle King to roam. The smell of the sea was comforting and if Sirius were to spare a glance towards her, he most certainly would have noticed that Clover’s smile did not just find residence upon her maw, but had extended into her other features – most noticeably, her sparkling, wide eyes.

It was when there was a slight change to the scenery that Sirius slowed his stallion, and Clover allowed Daisy to match his step. Coming along his side, Clover looked expectantly to her King. His dark locks were windblown and his olive eyes twinkled with a look she couldn’t quite name. Pale golden eyes swept to find the silhouette of the castle they approached: the Ruins. Though it no longer stood with the same magnificence it was most likely constructed with during the time of the humans, it still succeeded in claiming Clover’s breath. This was not like D’Neville. The Ruins had a charm all its own, and the way it lived intertwined with nature beckoned her. She could see herself easily amongst its enchanting crumbling structure. "It’s absolutely beautiful," she replied softly, almost breathlessly. Eyes flickered to the handsome face she so adored. "Shall we go closer?"

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