ben bu cehennemde şaşırıp
It was fortunate that the giant had been close when the screaming started for he was the first to arrive and who knew how long the poor girl had been screaming to herself. It echoed through the trees and they copied her anger, her sadness and fear. Limbs drooping the whole forest seemed to sigh and slump around him. Another innocent harmed? The man had no idea what had occurred several days ago to his sister in law or her children, no idea at all that two barely begun lives had been ended by a savage monster. He didn't even know that she had given birth, so as he charged flat out as fast as his injuries would let him, uncaring if he hurt himself more.

He didn't bother knocking on the door and thrust it open, the smell of blood filled the room and permeated out at him in a rush of air that had him staggering backwards. So much death...and pain. what had happened? Braving the stench of death and heartbreak he plunged into the room to find Mizu thrashing about on her bed, her pregnant bulge now gone, arms and side wrapped up in bandages. Holy fuck, seriously what the fuck had happened? His anger burned, no one had thought to tell him of this? He rushed over to her, and kneeled down on the bed beside her, pulling her upright. Her screams made his ears ring and his head ache but he didn't back off,

"Mizu! Mizu, calm down chicka, you are safe here. No one here to hurt you." He pulled the younger girl close so that her head rested against his chest and his long brown arms wrapped around her, he rocked back and forth slowly, crooning a soft ballard in spanish.

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