cleansing burn
ooc: +3

She and Venom had departed from Anathema early that morning, because they were on a trip to the fallen city of Halifax. They needed some more supplies since Panda was needing things for soap, and she also wanted to get some other things that she could hopefully find while she was down there. Since they wanted it to be a single day trip, they were sure to borrow a pair of horses from the Anathema caves, largely assessing the personalities of each horse before they picked a pair that worked for their taste. Panda loved horses, and she always had wanted one, but she had never gone through the trouble of actually getting one. When she mounted the her horse and she had started to ride toward Halifax alongside Venom and his horse, she realized that having a horse might be a good idea and that she could have used the horse back when her and Venom were traveling to this magickal land of Souls.

It wasn't only her whom had found that this place had been magickal, though she had found that is had not felt quite as magickal in the Mountains at she originally thought. She found the sensation to be weird, as did Venom, and soon they would realize things that they would need to act upon later. The woman made sure to bring her essentials with her, meaning her pot and dried leaves as well as some alcohol in case they were injured (better be safe than sorry) and she had her satchel on her side as the two horses galloped toward the once great city of Halifax. She often wondered why there had not been a pack formed closer to the fallen city, or a port town made out of the place, but this land was much different than the lands she had come from, this was for sure.

It'd take half of their day to get to the fallen city and once they were there, they were in forging mode. They even were able to find some saddlebags to put the things they found into, which happened to be a lucky find for the two. After that though, their luck seemed to be diminishing because they were only finding things that they kinda didn't need or they needed but not what they were specifically looking for. It took some time before the group had come upon an injured male though, by the looks of his face, he hadn't gotten to get proper care for it yet. It must have been fresh. "Excuse me sir.." the woman called to the male. "You need help with that wound? It looks pretty bad..." she spoke to him, dismounting her steed and taking a few steps toward the male. Venom did not speak, but he dismounted as well, just in case this male happened to be hostile.


Image © Vaughan@Flickr

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