tiger lily

Word Count → 472 :: I hope you don't hate me for replying almost a month later. :/ I'm really glad you joined, though! Clover needs to meet other Salsolans. Big Grin

There seemed to be instant relief upon the first inhalation of sweetly smelling smoke. Though her smoking habits had waned some, if only because she had yet to relocate her garden and didn’t want to burn through her available supply, she found supreme comfort in the familiarity of the action. A heaviness begin to roll in over her frame and Clover smiled softly towards the moon while the burning rolled paper was brought away from her face. The breeze from the sea was strong here, and the mixture of cannabis smoke and sea salt lulled Clover into a contentment she had not felt so strongly in some time. Sure, sleep evaded her, but it was in this moment that she felt closest to a genuine feeling of tranquility.

Before the woman moved close enough to speak, Clover was aware of Tlantli’s presence drawing nearer. Though she was sure her footfall would have been rather soft normally, the dragging of the deer carcass was enough to cause the girl to turn her gaze. She did not know of many who lived in Sirius’ kingdom, but she understood that the thistle family had an unusual hierarchy of which she was currently at the bottom, and the Lykoi girl was curious to meet her new kin.

She waited silently for the woman to cease her movements and to address her, for Clover was uncertain if it would be out of place for her to speak. She was still very new to Salsola and didn’t want to do anything to upset Sirius, or anyone else. Above all else, she wanted Sirius to be happy with her, as she was in his presence. When the Crone did finally speak, Clover noticed it was with an unusual twang to her words. It was something that was somehow vaguely familiar (for when she had been a child, a woman in Juniper Peace had spoken similarly) and she understood her question nonetheless. "Of course, Miss," lifting them from her thigh where they had been resting, and offering them to the sandy colored woman.

In the pale moonlight, Clover caught the gleam of scared skin and pale eyes silently studied the woman’s chest marking, before trailing to the deer as the Crone went to work gutting the animal. In earlier years, Clover wouldn’t have been able to be around for something such as this. She had never wanted to hurt animals and couldn’t bear to see blood and gore, but a few acquaintances along the way had come to help her expand her views on such things. Though it was not a sight she preferred, it was not one the Lykoi child necessarily felt the need to shy away from. Instead, Clover sat curiously in silence, lifting the joint to her lips in slow intervals, while she watched the woman work.

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