With All the Colors of the Wind
Sorry if there's a slight pp in this post. Tell me and I will change it.

Zalen scanned over the various bowls and chose one that looked blue and another that looked yellow. It was difficult to discern exact color with only the light of the fires. He lifted each bowl one at a time with large paws and set them in front of himself. Ouija was already painted but Zalen could see that there were some areas of his white body that could be marked

Zalen dipped several clawed fingers into the blue bowl, the pigment could not be seen on his dark fur but as he applied it to the ivory wolf’s right shoulder the rich blueberry color appeared. Zalen brushed the color in a swirl that began at the shoulder and travelled the blue line down Ouija’s forearm. It was quite striking against the white fur and for a moment Zalen was envious, How lucky you are to have such a pure canvas on which to paint. He smiled warmly at Ouija.

Zalen moved onto the yellow bowl and immersed his entire hand and then placed it on Ouija’s chest, marking him with a large paw print. Zalen laughed, he had forgotten how massive his hands were, the yellow paw mark hardly looked real. As Zalen continued to paint he thought about how he would be able to transport pigment back to his den. He had a multitude of containers there but had not thought to bring them. I understand the preciousness of your jars but perhaps you could lend one to me and for payment I will give you one of my own when I return yours. He hoped the male would oblige, the red pigment Ouija had made was intense and would make his mark stand out more so then it ever had. Zalen doubted he could recreate the beautiful shade.

Zalen had now continued the blue streak in various other places on Ouija’s body with no real rhyme or reason. He hoped the ivory male would like what he had done.

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