A Daunting Adventure

Word Count :: 000 I wonder if this counts for a catacomb fight thingie? xD

The first rock hit the target dead on. A shriek of a yelp echoed sharply through the caverns and the poor boy stumbled over his paws, caught completely off-guard by the sudden attack. A rather nasty looking cut was sliced open behind his ears from it, already starting to bleed. He crouched, dazed, until the second rock touched ground beside his paw, snapping him back into reality, though it was a touch blurry.

He whirled around to face her, only to just barely dodge yet another rock. Throw one more and I'll rip you a new-- His words were cut off as another hit his back, making him flinch. The boy was many things but a coward was not one of them. A rock to the head hurt and he'd probably whimper about it later, when he was alone... but at that moment, the once-rogue kid was mad.

With a savage growl (or as savage as any pup's growl could be), the boy bared his teeth and flicked his tail as high as it would go. I'm gonna kill you! Gunnar snarled with an open mouth as he charged forward, only taking two steps to get to a good run before he launched himself at her, aiming for the offending arm with sharp teeth. With any luck, he'd hit the target just as she had with the rock... only this would do just a little bit more damage than the gash he had on his head.

Coding by the Mentors!

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