Don't Hassle the Hoss
The she Sawtooth hung on every word that the female spoke of. She wanted to learn so much about the packs that lived around her, that she had to ask question and she hoped that in return they would deal with her and answer her questions. This lady in front of her seemed to have been respectful and taken her stupid game of twenty questions and was given her the answer that might quench her thirst to know about these lands. The calico she wolf would sure to be there for this Sky if she ever needed her. After all a fair trade for providing her with all the information that she had wanted.
A twist of a brown ear upon the black and white head when the voice cracked, there was something about that name, that bothered the female and Charm was sure to figure out more about this male that had made this strong figured female voice shift and crack. There was no more lingering onto that name, it didn’t even take the female two seconds before she moved on to the next question that was talked about. Charm had never had a broken heart, she had always been the type to use them and loose them. There were never any feelings for them or anything like that. She would always invite a male over to her den once and a while, just so that her Aunt Charm would say she had been courting other males. It was something she did to make the family happy.
The lady gave a nod, as the brown lady in front of her told her more and more about the pack, Charm was loving to know more about the lands that she lived near, while the female turned and started to walk away from the Sawtooth female, then there was a motion of her hand to follow, the Dreamer wasted no time at all following her. There was the offer for tea, the Sawtooth lady curled up her face, she had never heard of tea, so this would be rather, interesting to say the least. The brown and white legs moved upon the ground following the female that went by the name of Sky.

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