Alesigja tho rhi thuesgho

A storm! All of the Great Mother's fury and rage, unleashed in seconds of wind and rain! Amazing, astounding! the Seiryu could never get enough!

Perhaps he should have been more concerned as to what exactly brought on such an attack, but Razekiel knew better than to automatically assume a storm to be an act of actual anger. No, the Mother was surely proud of him; there was no need to rage a storm over the blessed Ichikan territory where the people loved and were happy. The Mother had given them weeks of sunny weather, yet sparsely a shower or a cloud in the sky. No, a storm was not necessarily the built-up rage of a nature god — it was just as often a display of power, as if to assure herself still as the most devastating of all supernatural beings, as if to ensure the people below her knew her to be at the top of the hierarchy. Each roll of thunder whispered beggings they would not forget her, and every flash of lightning was perhaps a sudden fear that just as quickly dispersed. She was, after all, the Great Mother of all nature. She had no need to be afraid.

Giggling like a madman, Razekiel came jogging up the Abbey path soaking from head to foot, taking time to bounce into every puddle and spin around with arms extended as if basking in the glory of it all. Gurgling laughter, his tanned dreadlocks hung over his eyes and his fur was swept every which way; once beneath the roof he wrung some of his hair and shook his limbs free of rainwater, still giggling with a wide-eyed and wild expression. Coming across Jace, he seemed to hardly notice her very serious and determined position and expression.

"It's fantastic!" he boomed with great enthusiasm and a toothy grin, arms thrown up into the air, "this power of hers, it's amazing, man! Don't you agree?!"

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