alone i break

correct me if I is wrong plox

The man gently cupped her face, tenderly against her raw muzzle. It was hard to bear this, but he bit back his burning rage to be calm and quiet and gentle with the hurt woman. "It's vhy I'm here Anann," he said softly, stroking her face slightly. Anatoliy eyed the chain in the dim light, wondering if it would come off. It was tight against her neck and he could tell it would cause serious damage to her if he tried to pull it off of her.

"I'm going to break zhis chain off you. Anann.. if you can change to zhe smaller size, it vould make it easier." Hopefully Rem would come along soon. But Anatoliy would still be able to manage to carry her back, secui or not. He was strong enough and his incentive was strong. The Russo gave the woman a gentle touch, wishing he had something to clean her wounds and bandage them here. He would have to take her to Alaine. It was his only hope to get her better faster. He would probably just get her home to his cottage and clean her flesh with sea water before heading to find Alaine and her knowledge of herbs.

But first he rose gingerly and found himself a cinder block. If he could manually break the chain, he would have. Instead, he carried a hefty block of cement and dropped hard on the chains, aiming to break them.

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