time sli[p]ped away, like sand between our fingers

There! Clean as a whistle. He had just finished smoothing his fur into place when the sounds of a two-legged luperci lumbering closer caught his attention. The boy hunched down submissively—but making himself look small wasn't exactly remarkable, given the gargantuan stature of the male that came to meet him (not to mention the size discrepancy that came with their assumed forms). For a split second, he mistook the onyx giant as Jazper; but no, common sense assured him, there was no reason for Ghita's mate to be here. And sooner than later, he was able to sort out the older wolf's unique scent from the bloody aroma of the fallen deer. He could swear—it smelled like this guy spent a fair bit of time with Naniko!

Barrett stole a quick glance at the werewolf's face for reference, then stared pointedly off to the left, exposing the tender flesh covering his jugular. His tail flopped twice to further emphasise his good intentions, and he did not speak until the other addressed him. I'm here to see Naniko, he stated evenly; his tone wasn't presumptuous or demanding, but spoken with a kind of cool conviction—he knew he was in the right coming here... she'd invited him, after all. The whole mistaken identity thing had been a blow to his moxie, but he was a reactive wolf and recovered his nerves quickly—fast enough that nothing had registered on the surface, anyway.

Is she... doing alright? he wondered, peering up at the Tuyul's folded arms.

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