time sli[p]ped away, like sand between our fingers
WHEE, momentum.

Something he said or did seemed to strike a chord within the older male. The mottled adolescent's ears flattened at the scathing rebuke, half in automatic apology (for he was a guest here), half in annoyance. His question had been misunderstood. He already knew of Naniko's indifference to the whole affair, and he also knew that unfortunately, the birthing process wasn't always without complications. But still, he said nothing and his expression stayed neutral. Obviously she had survived the ordeal; and really, the stranger had a point. She had been down this road before. She had the support and expertise of an entire pack behind her; Anathema's medics wouldn't let anything ill befall their Alpha.

His ears twitched forward as the burly male spoke again. Once more, the scarlet-eyed wolf's words left a bad taste in his mouth. What was the sense in wasting food? And was that jab about his inferiority really necessary? All this fuss... and yet the wolf turned to lead him inside, just the same. Barry held back a sigh, nodded, and rose lightly to his feet, padding whisper-quiet after the nameless biped. He was frustrated, but he knew better than to run off his mouth at someone who was, at present, nearly four times his size.

And as he moved, his mind cleared, and selfish thoughts preoccupied him less—he realised something. That her scent mingled strongly with his; that he was taking care of her. Was... was he jealous? His lemon eyes widened as he beheld the back of the giant's head; oh god, were they mates? Why were all these women already involved with guys so much bigger than him?! A new-found sense of gratitude washed over him. He would gladly put up with a sour attitude if the alternative was getting torn apart, limb by limb. Whether or not his conclusions were correct, the sentiment they left behind was pretty powerful. Thank you then, he said quietly, sincerely. .. for everything. And then he lapsed into a flustered silence once more.

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