It's a dangerous game...
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OOC: Dunworry about size. And if we stick to what we discussed in AIM, it should be fine =)

This was positively elating. He felt like a potentate, with the power of life and death over this pathetic weakling. In his mind, Lubomir shied away from the sheer happiness his other self was feeling. It was positively horrifying. He'd never thought that such a mindless beast could be hiding inside him, that such glee could be obtained from harming another. To Lubomir, to rationality, the entire fight was a senseless cry for death. To the beast, it was pure pleasure. Which the little pup was about to destroy by running away. He grinned like the feral beast he was and tried to attack when the black wolf clawed his chest.

The howl he let out was piercing and high. It was born of fury, not pain, though the hot rush of blood was now streaming down his chest. He was pumped full of frustration at not being able to claw the insolent pup to pieces and he acted swiftly when he saw his plaything running away. Howling again, he rushed, his half-shifted form giving him momentum and speed. Soon, he was close enough to pounce, which he did, pinning Umbra to the ground. His eyes were unfocused and wild, his mouth dripping saliva. 'Now, you little pup, you are mine.' Raising his paw to strike, he grinned like a madman about to enjoy more horrendous fun.


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