strings and things
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OOC: sorry for the wait on this >.< +3

She yawned out of slight boredom. She had been awake most of the night, hunting with her friend, Hextor, and learning to ride her horse. She noticed that there were only a few horses in Inferni, and she really didn't know anyone whom had the horses. It was quite sad to her, but she made it a duty since she had gotten the steed to meet the other members whom would have the steeds. Well, technically she knew one person whom had a horse, but she didn't know it, since she had never seen the optio with her horse. Neither did she see Ezekiel with his. The most she's seen the new Aquila with was his little birds. Speaking of the ravens, she tried to remember the last time she had spoken with them, and it was a long time apparently since she had struck up a conversation with the birds whom had learned some luperci words, but mostly spoke low speech.

She had been riding her stout tan horse toward the mansion, for it had been that part of the day where she wanted to visit the library and try to read some of the books that were there. She'd been able to learn the bare basics of reading, so she was still not a champ at it, but she figured that she would be able to read sooner or later. She wouldn't give up on it. Her mare had come to the entrance of the Mansion, and she snorted and looked at the woman whom was on the porch. The slender woman dismounted the horse carefully and she looked at the strange looking woman. Valkyrie had never seen her around before so she had to wonder if the woman was new to the clan. Chances are that she was. The orche and coal woman approached the silver ticked woman and she held a smile on her face. Hello there, miss! Who're you? she assumed the woman spoke English but wouldn't she be in for a surprise?

Table by Tammi

Image by: jblndl


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