Alesigja tho rhi thuesgho
Oh~ The title means 'Look to the Stars' in Jace's native tongue

She could not hear, see or smell her strange yet amusing leader over the violence of the storm but something told her he was coming. She could have easily removed herself before he had arrive but she felt no need to, she had gotten over her earlier anger and prejudice and was now mostly content to call Ichika her resting place. The hybrid remained, watching and waiting with endless patience. The darkness that shuffled in with the huge boiling grey clouds did not scare her, she had spent a month of her life in total darkness when the sun had fallen beneath the horizon to sleep for the winter.

Compared to the storms in the Arctic, the storms that could last for weeks and bury an entire village in snow over night, leaving no trace it was ever there, this was but a breeze, a mere gust against the awesomeness nature could produce but yet it still rang with power and she sensed that this storm could turn out to be just as dangerous to the rolling hills and forests of here as the ice storms were to the northernmost places, mother nature would never be denied. So she spoke out to the storm as she did to the trees around her home and bowed her head slightly as though in prayer,

"Hesrha fddjort fure myaak tuk caaj, gha erhget sorno gheal." I offer you my respect in return for safety. Now as her hybrid leader came upon her she smiled and raised her head, switching to English,

"Yes, I do. She strikes and waits, all powerful and yet she does not destroy us when she could do so at the flick of a paw and drown us all, or crush us with falling trees, whatever she desires." Mismatched eyes turn to settle of Razekiel and his dripping form so tall above her. Just then thunder cracked directly overhead and a streak of lightning zig-zagged across the sky to strike at a tree further down the mountain side, the tree exploded as it's sap boiled and shards of wood flew out in all directions, yet too far away to hurt them,

"The examples are all around for us to see."

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