New To Task

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny; Sorry this is so fail. Wasn't certain exactly what you wanted to do but yay! You have his first IC post

The male was new to the area, that was too the whole territory as well as the tribe. Granted he wasn't new to tribe life though. His own tribe resided on an island. It was the influx of activity that had caused him to be curious and to leave his island behind. Granted he had left his tribe before then. Or well, there had been a rift created in the tribe that was his fault. He had refused to marry his distant cousin, though what he had never told anyone that it was at her request. No, he had taken the fall for it. He would have been fine with suffering alone but it had caused rivalries among the tribe and ended up dividing them. It certainly wasn't something that he was proud of. He had tried to prevent it but it had been without success. So previously he had been spending his time alone trying to decide on the best way to repair the rift when he had noticed the flurry of activity.

He hadn't approached the area with the activity directly but instead had decided to observe things instead. And it was during that period that he noticed that there was even more activity across the mountains. So of course his interest had been diverted. And it was while exploring the large landscape that he was approached and offered a place within the tribe that he was now currently residing in. He had no idea of the upsets in the tribe. He hadn't been informed as to what was going on but merely offered a high placing based on his ability to take down a moose. He wouldn't say he was specialized in any sort of rank. He wasn't strictly a hunter or warrior or craftsman though he had done all of the above. No, the tribe he came from everyone worked together and didn't specialize in a single area. The whole tribe was expected to help out with each and every task. So he was just well rounded rather than a specialist.

The male sat near the fire in the center of the village. He was using the light from it to be able to see what he was doing as he made to sharpen the stone head of his spear. For some reason he always felt more active during the times of soft light, whether it be dawn or dusk. Then again those times seemed to be quieter without the constant bustle of activity. It made it easier to just sit and listen to the sounds of the world about him. So maybe it was actually the silence that made him alert. For even now, as he focused on maintaining his single weapon, his ears twitched atop his head to listen for something other than the crackle of the fire and the sweep of the wind. He was still getting used to the way things worked in this tribe. After all he hadn't met any but the one that he was to follow the orders of.

Table by the Mentors!

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