pull the color from the world

She asked him about his reasons for trespassing, and the hybrid paused to think on it for a moment. Why did he come here? He'd passed along the borders of at least two other territories on his way here, yet those had only gotten no more than a passing glance from him. Perhaps Jackson had simply begun to tire of the days of uneventful travel that had brought him this far from home, and what better way to make an adventure interesting than to skulk around in places he didn't belong? The Anatheman shrugged. "This place looked more interesting than the others?" He took little heed of her warning. Of course he should have howled if he wanted to make his presence known. But howling was counterproductive to sneaking around on his own as he had intended, so he said nothing.

Jackson hadn't the faintest idea what dragons or unicorns may have been, but her playful tone and smirk made it clear that it was some sort of joke. "Well, I suppose I can keep a secret," he joked in return. Her explanation of the fence took on a darkly humorous turn, conjuring up the image of trespassers on spikes to serve as a warning. "Oh, wouldn't that be fearsome?" he said with a laugh. Jackson should like to see such a thing, though he feared it might only increase his curiosity, rather than scare him off. Ayasha then asked where he was from. "Anathema," he said simply, though there was pride clinging to the word.


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