Shiloh hated seeing him like this. He would always be her chief and she wished he could see himself that way. "You're welcome Chief Dawali. Tell me of these worries and I shall tell you mine. I hate what these new people have done to you. Already I have fought one and lost. They threaten my home Chief. This place hasn't felt like home since me and Saxif have gotten back," she whispered reaching out and touching Dawali softly. She hoped he wouldn't cringe like she had seen him so many other times when others called on him.

She wanted to fight back and knew of what lay ahead of her if she was caught talking to Dawali the way she was but she knew it was worth the risk. She wanted to help the pack and this was her way. Saxif would not know of this. It was Shiloh's way of keeping her safe. She knew she would fight if she was hurt and Shiloh's ribs still hurt from her fight.

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