let it go

The names of the lost were released into the air, and with a long an deep breath the coyote silently prayed the Mother might stretch her arms, reach to them and guide them to the path home. The man wanted to assure Saul further, to give him more hope, but the coy could not find words appropriate. He might have admitted how astounded he was that all of his surviving children had somehow found him and found lives in his midst, but it seemed too much to reveal just yet. To give the boy too much hope could be condemning.

"A little, perhaps," he shrugged, breathing the last embers of his joint before dipping it in the shallow sea to extinguish it. "I was real jazzed to find out my big girl was headin' the fort there, man, keepin' watch over ol' Gabe and my old lady. She's real smart, that Sage, just like her mother!" The stub of the joint extinguished, Razekiel did not dare litter the Great Mother's sea with it, and so it was almost natural for him to toss it into his mouth and eat it as if it were candy. "She was with Clover and China, too... I would have stayed for my girls, had I known they were there, but now I got other stuff to pay attention to, yeah?"

He smiled innocently. Saul was still young, much younger than he. Had he found the gift of parenthood yet? "You're not grooving the love train like your brother and my Nayru, are you?"

word count → 000 ;; image © Sylvatica ;; table by lin
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