Alesigja tho rhi thuesgho

Out of character text here.

Smiling, the Seiryu found himself impressed by her quiet wisdom. He raised his brows and clucked his tongue, beginning to wring out the water from his hair. "I didn't know you were a friend of the Mother," he said, glancing about the empty room before jumping at the crack of lightning. He burst into wild, yodeling laughter, and only addressed her once the feeling had passed.

He listened a moment to the creak of the floor beneath his feet, and the magnificent way the sound bounced throughout the walls of the empty, warm room. Stepping up beside her, the Seiryu stared out contentedly at the storm, but quietly dug into his satchel and retrieved a cigarette, which he quietly lit and placed between his teeth. His girls would have loved a storm like this.

"You seem to be feeling better," he observed aloud.

word count → 000 ;; image © Sylvatica ;; table by lin
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