More Than A Dare

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; If you want to wrap up soon to do the new one that you were talking about that is fine; 300 words

She watched the adult rise but found herself unable to remain focused upon the taller form. No, she was back to staring at the skulls once again. They intrigued her and kept on calling her attention right back to them. She wasn't certain of how to obtain another one that was that large but she was definitely up to the challenge. It wasn't like she could back down. She had to have that skull in order to prove herself to her brothers. And it would seem that she would have to get another one to replace it with some way.

She forced herself to look away from the skulls in order to peer up at the adult once more. "I will do it." The words were spoken decisively. Maybe it didn't have to be exactly the same. After all it wasn't specified. It just needed a replacement was all. "Where do I get a new one from?" She figured that she better ask and see if there was a certain one the she needed to bring back in order to get the one from the post.

She didn't even considered that she could take the new one to her brothers instead. No, her mind was set on getting the damaged one. After all her brothers had witnessed it being damaged so there would be no questions asked if she brought that one. Or at least she didn't imagine that her brothers would question her. No, she thought that to do so then they would keep their word and let her join them on their adventures. Why shouldn't they let her tag along if she brought back what it was that they wanted? She would give a new skull for an old skull and then everyone would be satisfied and happy.

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