[M] I can be your hero baby!

Word Count :: 355(+2) :: Moon in denial -_-...It was a pleasure to have a thread with you as well XD

Her green, lively eyes stared at the treetops as she began to daydream. Her companion didn't say anything, so she felt free to allow her mind to wander off. However, she was brought back to reality within seconds when said Luperci moved, standing on his feet and stretching out. Luna observed him as he did so, a question about to leave her parted lips. Are you leaving so soon? But she restrained from asking. Yes, he had to leave, and his reasons left her satisfied. It was true, she had a quest to finish and her small accident had already delayed her enough time. He wished her luck with her mission and offered her a hand. Luna felt flattered by the gesture for some odd reason, but she accepted the help. "Thanks. I hope that he appears." When she was on her feet, she shook off the dust off her pelt, trying to get rid of all the bits of garbage that had tangled to it. Her attention was drawn to him once again when he spoke, though. "Actually, i do not mind it, but i accept your apologies. Thanks for saving me." She said, Tilting her head playfuly to a side whilst she offered him another smile. "Take care as well."

She didn't leave inmediately. Instead, she observed how the black optime disappeared within the folliage. The funny sensation that she had felt when he...kissed her, had turned into something else, something that made her feel the urge to call him again. Longing. She longed for his presence, his touch...

A shake of her head brought her out of her self absorption and decided to attribute those feelings to the gratitude that she felt for him and to the fact that he made such a good company, and focused her mind on shifting her body into the very familiar four-legged form that she used to travel. Once she was ready, she sprinted towards the direction that she remembered that led to the mountain. There she would start her search. And if she got lost...she would rather trust her smell from now on.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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