Lineage; set in Stone
The Resistance
War Diaries

Well, today was certainly different. Nik and I caught a fat momma rabbit this morning, so we ate well. It was turning out to be pretty normal before the scent of wolves came in on the wind, and not a few minutes later three of the things show up, wanting to talk to us no less.

They were a motley bunch, not related like most wolves that run together. The smallest one was red-tan in color, almost like Nik and I (she probably had some mutt in her bloodline if you ask me...not wolf enough to trick my eyes); next to her was a gray one who seemed to be friends with a third yellow-colored wolf. That last one was something else: scarred from head to toe, and head to toe was a long way between, Nik is a couple inches taller than me and he didn't even make it to this guy's shoulders. Anyway, he was cut up pretty badly, and had a lot of herbs and human cloths all over him...he had been in some sort of fight a few days before.

They asked if we had any human fabrics they could have...things to fix their friend up with. I wasn't too keen on helping wolves, but Nik had a soft spot for 'em...not sure why. Maybe the little red one reminded him of me...god, that better not be it. We may be physically similar, but someone kill me if I ever get that meek and pathetic. Anyway, we helped them, patched up their friend, and when prompted by Nikolov, the gray one told us about what happened to his friend, and why.

I don't know if these wolves are telling the truth, but they certainly seem in a hurry to get out of here, to pursue the cultists they said they're after. Nik was so moved by what he heard that he wanted to go with them. I'm usually the one with the adventurous ideas...just not ones with wolves as traveling companions. Anyway, I thought about it and I've decided to give it a try...what's the worst that could happen? The yellow one is messed up--how much could he do? The other two aren't a threat, as far as I can tell...their personalities aren't dangerous ones, they're not tough like me, or clever like Nik...between the two of us, I'm sure we're not in any real danger, at least until the yellow one gets better, and by then we'll know whether or not we can trust them.

The big wounded guy has weapons, he is their warrior...since we are going to be tagging along, we decided to grab some for ourselves. We went into the old human town and looked around. I found some old human war gear...a pair of metal gloves and blade that's almost as long as I am tall...I didn't know humans made such big knives...Yellow says they called their big knives "swords". Nik didn't find anything like that, but found a weird metal stick that's fat on one end and has a good grip...he tested it on a few things around the house, and we decided it was a good weapon.

With that, we're off. By the looks of it, these wolves will need our help keeping themselves fed if nothing else...especially the big one. I sure hope he's a good fighter once he gets better, because I'm sure Nik and I will be working our tails off feeding his over-sized gullet, and his friends will be working hard to treat his wounds and make sure they don't get infected. They have a genuine feel, but I have a hard time trusting wolves. Only time will tell if Nik was right to get us into this.


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