let it go


Their quiet conversation was doing the male good. He was usually always on his feet, always doing something. It was sometimes enough to overwork his brain, and a relaxed conversation like this was doing his brain good. Of course, they were dealing with some heartfelt subjects, but the silences between their words was enough to slow it down enough to feel peaceful. Saul glanced at Razekiel from the corner of his eyes, making up his mind that despite the oddity of their situation, he quite like the coyote leader. He saw a lot more of Nayru, but that was because she was his brother's mate and she lived in Cerne Rise. It was good to speak to another male of higher authority than himself. He admitted to regretting leaving Inferni with a soft roll of his shoulders. Saul let the subject go, allowing that part of their conversation to drift back to the shore. Razekiel continued, telling Saul in no uncertain terms how proud he was of his daughter Sage.

"Have you seen much of her since you've been back? Or of any of them? As you say, you've got other things to pay attention to."

He asked, wondering how often her saw his daughters. Saul was approaching the age where he would be able to have children and he could feel the desire in his guts, to procreate, to see his children and to help them grow up. It would be a long time yet, but Saul wanted to be a father. Of course, there was Wretch. But she was almost grown herself, despite her dependence on him since she'd washed up on Dahlia's shores. There would come a day when she no longer needed him and he dreaded that day. Razekiel ate the end of his joint, which turned Saul's stomach but he swallowed the revoltion. Razekiel was an odd one and Saul wouldnt judge him for it.

He wasnt fooled by the males innocent look, but he also felt a little shocked as he asked about Saul's relationships. Deep down, Saul was very jealous of Gideon and Nayru's relationships. He thought he had the same thing with Siku, but more and more she was so distant with him that it was hard to discern whether anything would ever happen between them. A self conscious grin washed over his face as he shook his head softly. "I thought I was... but Siku has been so distant these days. I hardly see her at all." He admitted, but there was more to it. "I can't help feeling wanting more as well. Siku was a good friend in Dahlia, and she's a good friend in Ichika. But is that what I want? A good friend? I don't think so." He offered back, warming slightly at the personal turn the conversation had taken. It felt good to admit it though and he left it at that, running his fingers over a blade of grass beneath him.

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