[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 303 words

Bastion couldn't help but to grin as he was told exactly what it was that he wanted to hear. His puppy fed him the exact lines that he desired. But it wasn't as if they hadn't been through this entire process before. It was pretty much the same back and forth all of the time. Bastion greatly enjoyed hearing Janos give himself over to whatever whims the smaller male might possibly have. And there really was no doubt that Bastion would end up using the larger male as he had been practically begged to do.

His hand left the other male's unsheathed length in order to play down further between the other's legs. "Who this?" His previous question was repeated as fingers blindly sought out the hole that he knew to be down there somewhere. When he couldn't find it with the first few sweeps of his fingers he frowned and had to turn his attention away from his puppy's face in order to concentrate his attention on finding what he was after.

He ended up giving up the search himself for another solution instead. "Like this." The words were spoken as Bastion moved away in order to place himself on his hands and knees as he forced his tail to remain out of the way. "You find." He continued to speak after he had given his demonstration and settled himself down to sit upon the ground. He had ever intention of just sitting back and watching the other for awhile. He enjoyed the dominance that he had over his puppy and displayed it in multiple ways, through physical means as well as simple commands of what he wanted to happen. And well, right now the small male was giving into his voyeuristic tendencies as he insisted on watching the other touch himself.


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