working on a memory
OOC: Nah.. she's always had friends in different packlands.. she was talking bout Phoenix.. it's ok.

Iskata just stared at Skoll as he spoke, deciding not to mention the fact that her own alpha was the wolf that he spoke out against. It was true that there'd been no friendship between Gabriel and herself, but she respected Fatin and Faolin and Skoll's situation made it hard for her to take a side, he had saved her daughter from an unjust attack yet she was loyal to her pack and to her friend. The things that her mate had or had not done were in the past, and a small part of her could still remember the things he thought of her first son, the hybrid by misforture. How he had believed that DaVinci had kidnapped Firefly and how he's spoken of it to their children... she had never forgiven him for that.. even though she should have.

Shaking her head at the words he said she looked at him apologetically but stayed silent a moment longer. "I rather leave the past behind me Skoll, I'm not going to invite trouble out to play...The leaders of Inferni.. we have our ups and downs.. but I'm not about to find myself at war with their clan again. I lost everything last time, I'm not about to give up what I have now..." She didn't want to admit the hard truth but she had to. Looking down at her paws she murmured. "If Phoenix can't understand that.. if he won't.. then perhaps he's better off where he's at." She hated herself for the things she was saying, but she couldn't deny the truth. If Phoenix was going to stand on one side of the line and that line happened to be the opposite side she was on she would stand against him. Shaking her head she looked back to Skoll. "I'm not asking you to understand the things I've been though.. just understand that sometimes you have to stop fighting the world. If siding with Gabriel and Fatin is going to be what keeps the pain and heartache at bay.. I'll be standing there." Phoenix was one heartache she'd already started on, if he ever returned it would be too late and her would would have healed. To walk down that road again would be too hard and fruitless in the end. To mourn for someone and them to return alive and whole, life would never truly be the same.

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