A diffecult adjustment.
It had been quiet a lot for Vendetta to take in over the past few days. The brown wolf had never met a Luperci before finding his way here and joining this pack. That alone had been quite something for him to take in. That, on top of simply adjusting to the fact that he was apart of a pack, with laws and rules and a system of rank and all that. Part of him might have missed being a loner now, another missed his loose and carefree birth pack. But both of those where drowned out by his welcome of the challenge of adjusting and becoming a part of this pack, this family.

But here lately his mind had been consumed by awe of the Luperci. He knew more and more about them every day, and had figured out by now that it was possibly to become one. And that was constantly in the back of his mind, he wanted more than anything to become one. But that was a task that was easier said than done. It wasn't like he could just run up to some random stranger and yell, 'Quick, bite me now!' No, that would make him seem like an insane person.

That was just another thing on top of everything else. The brown wolf could only hope that things would turn in his favor in the end. In fact, thats what he was counting on. Banking on that saying, all things come to he who waits. There hadn't been much for him to do today so he'd simply went on a walk around the pack territory to, if nothing else, at least familiarize himself with the land. But when push came to shove, that didn't work because he'd been more or less staring at his feet and wandering around, just thinking about everything going on around him right now.

After awhile, he found himself coming full circle, walking into Thornbury and its carrying on. He was still new to this pack. Knowing no one by Skye by name, and only her because she'd accepted him into the pack. He just knew that this land was filled with a fair number of these Luperci that he wanted to become one of. Taking a set sort of off to the side of one of the buildings there, he simply watchs the pack carry on with its way, hopping for the chance to socialize. He needed to at the very least, get to know these people better.

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