Possibly Impossible
Niro smiled as the man explained his situation and he couldn't see why he couldn't stay he was sure Ayita would certainly agree and if she agreed Vigilante also did as well.

"If you can answer one question, I'm sure you'll be ok to be here. What can you offer Cour des Miracles in return for our protection?"

He was smiling, he would accept the man no matter what he said really, though it would ultimately be up to Vigilante if the man couldn't perform duties as he would be expected to. Everyone did something, be it hunting, making things, healing or growing plants, everyone had a job.

"Everything is going fine, so far there hasn't been anything too bad that's happened that I know of."

Niro said as they moved closer to Ayati's and Vigilante's home. He was curious as to where Kable had been but that was business for the family and to him he was still a stranger. Kable hadn't even seen his sister yet. They arrived at Ayita and Vigilante's and Niro knocked. Waiting after a little while he knocked again. He sighed and shrugged.

"It seems they may not be home, but if you want I can show you where you can stay for a while till you find a place to settle?"

He moved his arms around the village that Vigilante and Ayita lived in, and there was the Chien Hotel, which housed many of the pack members, that would ultimately be up to Kable though, as long as the man didn't choose a house that had been taken or was more or less condemned.

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