let it go

goddamn hippie XD

"I spoke with Sage recently, maybe a month ago," he said, smiling as a gull cawed and drifted down beside him. It landed on the side opposite of Saul, clearly comfortable with the Seiryu's proximity but not the Stormbringer's. Razekiel smiled, scratching gently at its head. His breath reeked of marijuana, worsened all of a sudden, but thankfully the stench was for the most part lost in the salty breeze. "She and the girls are in Inferni. Still there, as far as I know. One of these days I'll groove on over there and visit the old place." A pause. "She said my son Micah is around as well, but I'm not bettin' even the Mother can lead him to his old man happily."

Razekiel had expected a stint of jealousy from Saul over his brother's successful relationship, and still guessed there was some animosity present, but the Hui K'o did well in hiding it. Regardless, whether there was jealousy or not, the desire was certainly present: Razekiel heard the passion in the boy's voice. The Seiryu felt his stomach twist, and at the end of the Stormbringer's words, the coyote sniffed and wiped tears from his eyes.

"Beautiful!" he gasped. "Such passion! Saul, any lover of yours would be a lucky one!" For a moment, the coyote pulled his bandana from his mess of dreadlocks and batted at his eyes. More notably, a few hidden, premade joints fell out of the bandana and spilled over his lap. He didn't seem to notice. The seagull stared up at him a long moment, then promptly took off thereafter. "If I were not a ladylover, man, I would love you all night and every night, I promise you! Such passion, dear Mother!"

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