Heaven ain't close in a place like this

She would have screeched if she could have, but it all happened too fast. Wretch wasn't able to react to things very quickly, an observer more than anything else, and his actions seemed sudden to her. First a light nip on the ear, which was an action that she didn't understand. Why would he be coming anywhere near a foreign wolf? And how did he know her name? Had he heard of her from someone? The boy had an odd scent about him...and she didn't recognize him from anywhere. Then a jump at her, a leap that sent the girl down onto her tummy. She was quite easy to best in physical matches; her small frame folded beneath his larger one.

"Pan..Pan?" Who would name another canine that? Some lunatic, perhaps. This canine was obviously deranged or something - first he'd said he knew her, then he had jumped on her? It didn't make any sense at all. Even in her home pack of Dahlia she had never been greeted in this manner. So why now, and by this stranger? She began to whine quietly, unsure of what else to do in that situation. "Are...are you going to hurt me?"

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