all your fears


She could tell that the male was evaluating her, and she suddenly grew nervous. She sincerely hoped that he was not coming to the conclusion that she was just a member, one of a handful of new faces that she assumed now wandered the pack lands. She was still trying to figure things out; to learn the ways of the AniWayan's. Her lack of knowledge in their language was evidence of that. She watched, azure eyes alight with a sudden curiosity, as the male shifted over. Was he indicating space? Inviting her to sit? She stepped slowly over, wary of impinging on his personal space.

However, he seemed more than comfortable, which meant she was probably correct in assuming that was his intention. She sat next to him, lowering herself to the ground with grace. She reflected his nod as he agreed with her; it seemed they both thought each had a valid point. She could hear again that he had trouble finding the words in her native tongue, and she was sorry that she could not help him with it. Her own blue eyes met his golden ones, and she gave him a small smile.

"Nahele." She repeated his name to ensure she had understood it's pronunciation, giving a satisfied nod and another smile. She read his body language, understanding he was asking for her own name. "Renaria." She tried to keep her words as simple as she could make them. She could tell he was unused to speaking her language, but she did not know what his understanding of it was. "I am Renaria."

She formulated a question of her own. "How long have you been with AniWaya?" Hoping that he could understand, she added, "I am sorry I cannot speak your language."

Table by the Mentors!

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