The waiting game
basically... awed at chandelier, dance floor, piano, etc. Add more if you like ^_^

When she entered the dark corridor she was giddy with excitement. Each step was carefully testing the strength of the aged metal. Patched of rust in the ceiling gave a slight illumination to the hall. Saxif chuckled lightly at the worried follower, nothing more dangerous than she could harbor in this place. The metal creaked loudly as it shifted to their weight. Then the main area opened to them like a sudden ocean within. The sight was breathtaking, inside things seemed to be less aged from the lack of sunlight. But the stench of nocturnal creatures was apparent. She noticed the bats first; it was a surprisingly small group. The patches of sunlight had illuminated sparkles from beneath their small bodies. They were like a ball of creatures tethered by nothing more than a string that swung with each movement of a shifting bat. The area below them was clear other than their mess. Surrounding the area apart from a raised platform and a strangely shaped wooden box were chair and tables. Apart from the tearing and rotting of fabric most of the chairs remained up upright as did the tables. All of this was below the pair of lupreci who would have to decide whether or not to test the grand stairway into the ballroom. Wow. The huntress longed to see more, to touch and smell more. She looked to Ibycus hoping his curiousity was as sparked as her own.

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